Why Business changes fail?

Published by riteshkapur on

Implementations have trouble getting off the ground.
When they do, they don’t produce to the level people believe is possible.
Even when you achieve significant benefits, backsliding can, put an implementation in jeopardy. 

Change management is hard.
And it has low success rate.

Lets say you have put in all the hard work. 
Come up with the new rules. Still you may not succeed. 

The top reasons for companies NOT to make the change include:

1. Lack of urgency 
2. An inadequate solution, including:
– The problem, appropriate solution, or needed results are poorly defined.
– Buy-in of key players is inadequate.
– The implementation plan does not address major obstacles.
– Insufficient resources are applied to the solution.
3. Lack of ownership in the solution
4. Unwillingness to set clear expectations of value 
5. Inability to communicate value
6. Changes in the business environment

What are some reasons that you have come across that business was unable to change?

Categories: Universal


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