What Top Managers Need to Know

Published by riteshkapur on

Top Managers Must Play an Active Role

Mere sponsorship by top managers is not enough. 
In successful implementations the top managers take on a more active role for the first 6 to 12 months.

1. Junior managers don’t even know that company can remove some policy obstacles. 
Only senior managers can identify and end those policy obstacles. 

For instance, Middle managers assume that they cannot stagger start date. They believe clients will not buy-in.
When the top management gets involved, they are willing to explain to their clients. 
People understand the benefits of pipelining. 

2. Managing buffers takes time to become a habit. 
It is only human to revert to old ways as soon as there is a minor hiccup. 
Close oversight by top management is necessary until managing buffers becomes second nature. 

3. Outsiders can teach concepts. But, how to manage differently is better “taught” by top managers. 
Top management of big companies teach and coach their middle managers.

Categories: Project


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