Underlying assumptions of TOC

  • Inherent Simplicity: Human beings have a tendency to find sophisticated solutions to problems that appear complex. However TOC explains that to any complex problem there is an exceedingly simple solution that exists. The more complex the system appears, the more profound is its inherent simplicity. Once this simplicity is identified, it can be used as a lever to bring about change.
  • People are Good: TOC works on the simple belief that nobody comes to work with an intention of doing a bad job. Most people, irrespective of their actions at the workplace, have a good motive while working. Their actions could be wrong either because they face a conflict or because they lack sufficient training to perform the task at hand. Once the conflict is resolved or the right training provided, the productivity and efficiency of the system will increase.
  • Win-Win Solutions: When faced with a conflict, the two parties involved tend to move towards a compromise. However, a compromise is never a Win-Win as both tend to lose. TOC believes that all conflicts can have a win-win solution, something which would resolve the conflict while at the same time ensure a win-win situation for both parties.
  • Never say I know: One should never assume that because one has great experience in similar environment, one is qualified to jump to the conclusions. One must remember to validate the assumptions and be sure of the cause and effect before claiming the ‘remedy’. It’s important to remember that like all other pillars of TOC, this pillar of TOC is as applicable to the clients as it is to the consultant who is guiding the company on the path to super normal profitability.

Understanding the System