The Right Way To Measure Execution is to use Buffers
Buffer Management: Use Buffers to Measure Execution
It is possible to finally establish a single priority system in execution if you have:
– low Work In Process and
– plans with adequate safety at project level and NOT task level,
Focus on tasks according to buffer (safety) consumption.
Give the highest priority to project that are consuming buffers at the fastest rate.
When every person and department follows these priorities, they are all synchronized!
You will be able to align Buffer-based priorities.
Also cause project status to be reliable.
If resources work on the right tasks at the right time, you can assure that current project status is an accurate predictor of the future.
You will be able to absorb most uncertainties into well sized buffers.
Begin recovery actions whenever buffers are showing “over consumed”.
You will be able to fight many abnormal uncertainties too!