Savoring Success: The Power of Simple Planning

Published by riteshkapur on

“Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.”

Chandrayaan has made us all so proud!
Thank you to all our scientists, ISRO and all those who worked behind the scenes.

Keep It Simple!

It’s like using the power of simplicity in our diverse and colourful country.

Imagine you’re making a delicious snack like “Chaat.” You could add lots of fancy spices and ingredients, but guess what? Sometimes, the best taste comes from simple, traditional flavours! 🍲😋

When businesses plan things like how many sarees to stock or how many cricket bats to produce, they use “demand planning.” It’s like guessing what people want!

While we have
cool computers and
smart algorithms,
sometimes, our traditional and straightforward models are perfect, especially when we have limited data! 🧠📊

A famous Indian sweet shop wants to know how many boxes of “Rasgulla” to prepare for a festival.
Instead of using a complex system, they rely on their family recipes and past festival sales to make a clever guess!

By keeping it simple,
the sweet shop makes sure they have enough “Rasgulla” to delight all the customers during the festival!

It’s like adding the perfect amount of spice to a yummy Indian dish!

Plan for the future with the heartwarming flavours of simplicity!



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