Make your supply chain an engine for growth

Published by riteshkapur on

The biggest cost for your company is:

The imbalance between the demand for your products and your ability to supply them. 

Even in Supply Chain functions, many do not understand how their work can drive growth. 

Unfortunately, companies stuck in a cost-focused paradigm with significant gaps in horizontal organizational alignment between operations and commercial teams struggle.

Increasing product and customer complexity degrades value. 
In an organization, there is good complexity and bad complexity. Good complexity drives growth with minimal impact on the performance factors, while bad complexity degrades performance. 
Maximize the growth opportunity with good complexity and eliminate bad complexity.

The Story of Supply Chains to Admire is not a story of consultants driving a project for change transformation. Nor is it a story of technology implementation. Instead, it is a story of supply chain leadership, driven by a focused internal team over many years.

Consistent leadership focused on key parameters will win over any dream team of the ‘best renowned leader mix’. 

Give time. 
Magic will happen.


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