Drum Buffer Rope solution

  • The critical insight of TOC is that only ONE bottleneck or capacity-constraint-resource (CCR) really governs the performance of the whole system.
  • In a plant, the CCR is the resource having the largest queue, i.e. the output of the plant depends on the output from the CCR.
  • DBR is a relatively simple, yet effective, production planning methodology.
  • It is a control method that recognizes the slowest operation of the plant—the bottleneck— as the single determinant of the throughput for the entire plant.
  • DBR centers on detailed finite capacity scheduling of the capacity constraint resource.
  • DBR helps to move material quickly and smoothly through the various resources of the plant, thus synchronizing the manufacturing operation. The Drum-Buffer-Rope method strives to achieve the following:
    • Very reliable due-date performance
    • Effective exploitation of the constraint
    • As short response time as possible, within the limitations imposed by the constraint(s).
  • Conceptually, the three main elements of DBR are:
    • Drum is the schedule of the CCR based on the orders at hand.
    • Buffer is a protection mechanism to keep the drum from disruptions.
    • Rope is the raw materials schedule – forcing the choke of the release (Preventing too much WIP.)


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