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Customer Insights Unveiled: The Power of Feedback & Behavior

Customer feedback is not enough.

Relying solely on customer feedback can be misleading.

Customers might not always know what they want or may express inconsistent preferences.

Combine feedback with behavioural data for a more accurate picture.

Customer Feedback: Super important,

BUT not enough all by itself!

Imagine you’re making a brand new ice cream flavour, and you ask your friends what they want. Some say chocolate, some say strawberry, and some say banana!

But guess what? You can’t make all three at once!

That’s where “Behavioral Data” comes in! It’s like secret detective work that helps us understand what people like.
Instead of asking, we watch what flavours they buy most often at the ice cream shop!

A popular toy company wants to create a fun new game.
They ask kids for feedback, and
some say robots,
some say dinosaurs, and
some say superheroes!

But they can’t put everything in one game.

So, they look at “Behavioral Data” – like which toys kids buy the most and which games they play the longest. They find that superhero robots are the most popular!
And ta-da!

They create an awesome superhero robot game loved by everyone!

When we use both customer feedback and behavioural data, we get a clearer picture of what people like.
It’s like using both eyes to see better!

So, the next time you have a choice to make – whether it’s a new product or a game – remember to gather feedback and do some detective work with behavioural data!


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