Mastering Uncertainty: A Guide to Powerful Planning

Published by riteshkapur on

Most planners avoid uncertainty.

My advice: Embrace uncertainty.

Instead of striving for perfect predictions, accept that uncertainty is inevitable.

Use models that offer a range of potential outcomes rather than one fixed number.
#planning #embraceuncertainty #youneverknow

“Embracing Uncertainty” – a cool idea that can help us in many ways! 🤔

When planning, we have uncertainty.
We can’t always predict exactly what will happen.
And you know what? That’s okay!

Imagine you’re having a picnic with your family, and you want to know if it will rain.
Instead of saying, “It will definitely rain!” or “It won’t rain at all!” we can say, “There’s a chance of rain, but it might also be sunny.”
That’s using a “probabilistic model.”

By embracing uncertainty and using these models, we’re prepared for different possibilities. So, if it rains, we bring umbrellas, and if it’s sunny, we bring hats and sunscreen! 🌂☀️

When people make big decisions in life or in business, they should use these models too! Don’t stick to one fixed idea; consider all the different outcomes.

So, remember, it’s okay not to know everything for sure! Embrace uncertainty like a brave adventurer.
